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I have been married to my wife Dee for 23+ years now, and have enjoyed every minute! We enjoy the beach and visiting new places together. We have two children from a blended family, Kate and Cory, and three grandchildren, Locklen, Keyan, and Winston. I am very into music, whether performance, listening, or building. I love fishing, though I don’t get to go as often as I might like. I graduated from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in 2016, and was ordained in March of 2017. I spent my first six years in North Carolina, serving in Concord, Hickory, and Durham. I spent two years in discernment before coming to St. Lucas. 

Paul Myers, Pastor

(419) 243-8189



OUR STAFF (left to right)

Steve Seaton, Custodian

Moved to Toledo in 2002 from the city of Cleveland, where he was a founding member of the Liberation United Church of Christ. Steve has served on three church councils, in three different denominations (Methodist, UCC, and Lutheran. He joined St Lucas in 2005. His work history includes Lucas County Job & Family Services, where he was in charge of building custodial, maintenance, and security services.


Jamie Dauel, Organist & Ron Lang, Choirmaster

See Choir page

Georgia Steele, Office Manager

Georgia retired from a career in business and found it a bit boring. She volunteered for 3 years as an assistant to the church secretary. When that position became available, Georgia found that to be her calling. She will be the one answering when you call the office. Unless she is doing an online devotion. Or maybe she will be conferring with the property team or our IT guy. Of course, she could also be running mail down to Cindy’s Corner (Georgia’s office is on the 3rd floor) or helping someone bring in donations to the Thrift Shop. You get the idea.

The Sanctuary and Campus


Mission & Vision


The people of St. Lucas Lutheran Church invite and welcome everyone to enter and feel God’s presence.



1. We believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

2. We embrace diversity and welcome all unconditionally. 3. We commit to live God’s Word and share the Good News.

4. We strive for closer relationship with God and each other.

5. We demonstrate compassion and forgiveness through open hearts and open minds.


**Handicap Accessible Building** Elevator Next to Handicap Parking on Walbridge Ave. Please come dressed as you are…ALL ARE WELCOME

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In accord with the gospel of Jesus Christ, St. Lucas welcomes all.  By this we mean we extend the radical welcome of Jesus Christ to people of every age, race, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic level, mental health diagnosis, recovery status, education level, or previous religious experience.  We invite ALL to participate in the sacramental life and work of our congregation, and to work toward racial equity.

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